March 22, 2006

Greetings from Switzerland

Hello from the fabulous Victoria-Jungrau Hotel in Interlaken, Switzerland, where Mel and I have just landed after three days in a much dinkier hotel in Rome (and although it was just a block away from the Vatican, I never ran into the pope at any of the local eateries or pubs…). I tried to post from the coin-operated Unix machine in our hotel basement last night, but the browser didn’t like the POST involved in adding new content to my site (or maybe it was the alt-shift-left knee to get the @ sign to appear on the Italian keyboard…).

This hotel room is nicer than our house, as evidenced by the fact that Mel made me take my jacket off the bed so that she could get pristine” shots (including from an elevated position in the bathroom). They always treat us so well in Switzerland. Highly recommended.

This is my first real connected experience since boarding the plane Sunday morning (I don’t care how cool Outlook Web Access is – it ain’t nearly so cool as the Windows version), although I was able to get my cell phone to download my emails. I can’t image what that bill will be like…